Warranties and Disclaimers


C4plus Events provides event management services to the best of our abilities and makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the success or outcome of any event. While we aim to execute events smoothly and according to plan, certain external factors outside of our control may affect an event.


C4plus Events is not liable for any losses, damages, or issues that may arise from events we manage unless caused directly by gross negligence on our part. We take reasonable care in vetting vendors, securing permits, arranging logistics, and planning events, but do not provide any express or implied warranty as to the quality or execution of third-party services.

Client Responsibilities

Clients are responsible for providing accurate and timely information and materials needed for their event. C4plus events do not warrant services or deliverables dependent on inaccurate client content or feedback.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances are C4plus events liable for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages from any claim related to clients’ events. Our maximum liability is limited solely to the amount paid to us under our agreement.

C4plus Events disclaims any liability for loss of profits, revenue, business, or data, or any other pecuniary damages that may arise from the event services we provide.


We reserve the right to use subcontractors for certain services as needed. However, we remain responsible for our subcontractors’ performance.


This Warranties and Disclaimers statement supersedes any prior statements or agreements to the contrary regarding C4plus events’ services and deliverables. Please contact us to discuss any concerns about our warranties or liability.

Force Majeure

C4plus events are not liable for failure to perform, or delays caused by acts of God, natural disasters, war, acts of terrorism, government intervention, strikes, labor disputes, pandemics, or any other cause outside of our reasonable control.


Clients agree to fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless C4plus events and our owners, employees, contractors, and agents against any damages, liabilities, losses, claims, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from the client’s event, materials, or conduct.


C4plus Events maintains standard general commercial liability insurance appropriate for our business operations. Clients may request proof of our insurance coverage at any time. We advise clients to secure their own event cancellation, liability, or other insurance as necessary.

Dispute Resolution

In case of any dispute, C4plus Events and the client agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve the issue. If negotiations fail, we agree to non-binding mediation before pursuing other legal remedies. Appeals may be made to the New South Wales small claims court or similar venue if necessary. The prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.

Governing Law

This Warranties and Disclaimers statement shall be governed under the laws of New South Wales, Australia. Any disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties shall be handled in the courts located in Sydney, Australia.


If any provision of this Warranties and Disclaimers statement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall still apply and be valid to the fullest extent.

For any questions or notices, please contact us.

C4PlusEvents Pty Ltd (License no …….)

Email: info@c4plusevents.com